
Summer Workout Series 2015 Wrap-up

You worked hard all summer, gained new habits, and set yourself on a path to a healthier lifestyle. The takeaways from the Summer Workout Series should be: You can make an active lifestyle out of your favorite activities. You should choose your own pace and intensity for workouts. Set goals both short-term and long-term, but… Continue reading Summer Workout Series 2015 Wrap-up


F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series Week 5

Tip of the week: Instead of juice or soda, drink more water instead. Go on a 30 day challenge where you only drink water. The goal for the weight exercises is to pick a weight that you can do 12 repetitions of that exercise with moderate ease. If you missed the previous weeks' workouts here are the… Continue reading F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series Week 5


F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series Week 4

Tip of the week:  Embrace outdoor activities. Find fun activities or events that get you moving that groups of friends can participate in together. Time flies when you're having fun amongst great company. Every once in a while substitute a day's cardio workout plan with some pick-up games of basketball, football, tennis or any sport of… Continue reading F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series Week 4


F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series Week 3

Tip of the week: You should do your core exercises before other exercises. You have the most energy at the beginning of a workout, so you will be able to do them a bit easier and more effectively. Another added benefit to doing them before other exercises is that every exercise involves core strength, so… Continue reading F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series Week 3


F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series Week 2

Tip of the Week: A meal, snack, or pre-workout energy bar or mix are super important to have before engaging in a workout, without them your exercise performance will suffer. A general rule is to make sure you've had a meal about 2 hours before a workout. If you're unable to have a meal 2-3… Continue reading F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series Week 2


F.E.A.T. Life Presents: The Summer Workout Series 2015

Tip of the Week: Use a progressive workout structure when first starting exercise or returning from a long period of no exercise. You'll be more likely to stick with it and less prone to injury. Summer is here, happy Father's Day and summer solstice to all! Embrace your confidence and  self-esteem high by journeying through the summer… Continue reading F.E.A.T. Life Presents: The Summer Workout Series 2015


Worthwhile Music You May Have Missed

I miss out on so many movies, books, games, and other general entertainment throughout a given year because all of those things require me to be at home for a significant amount of time, and that just doesn't seem to happen anymore. This happens so often that I've had to make lists of all the… Continue reading Worthwhile Music You May Have Missed


F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series

Tip of the Week: Get your friends involved. Get competitive! If you're having trouble sticking to a workout plan for long periods of time, you may just need some friendly motivation. Have your friends join you in your exercise plans, or at the very least let them know what you're up to so they can… Continue reading F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series


F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series

Tip of the Week:  Embrace outdoor activities. Find fun activities or events that get you moving that groups of friends can participate in together. Time flies when you're having fun and among great company. This Week's Workouts: Day 1 35 minutes stationary bike 35 minutes elliptical or stair stepper 4 set of 40 crunches 4 sets of… Continue reading F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series


F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series

Tip of the Week: Run, jog, walk, or bike to pickup take-out food or groceries whenever possible. We sit down throughout much of any given day, whether at work, home, or driving, so every little bit of extra movement really counts. That food will seem even more desirable after you've returned! Running outside on actual… Continue reading F.E.A.T. Fitness: Summer Workout Series